Back-End Development


Back-end web development is where the magic happens on websites. Finding the perfect rental, sharing a photo from the cloud, and keeping people secure while using the web are all driven by back-end web developers.

Students will learn skills in backend development and frameworks that are in high demand throughout the industry. The curriculum prepares students to create, maintain, and improve web applications and APIs, some of which are used every day.

As they work through this concentration, students will become well-versed in NodeJS, NoSQL, MySQL advanced, Redis, unit and integration tests, personal data, authentication, and more.

Graduates in this program can reasonably expect to get jobs as Backend Developer, Python Developer, and Javascript Developer.


– Advanced Python
– Personal Data
– Authentication – Basic and Sessions
– Authentication Services
– API Pagination
– Caching Algorithm
– Internalization
– Unit and Integration Testing
– MySQL Advanced
– NoSQL Introduction
– Redis Introduction
– ES6 Introduction
– ES6 Classes and Data
– Node JS Introduction
– Queuing System


– Professional Development BackEnd
– Dynamic Programming
– Data Storage
– User Management
– Data Interfaces
– Intermediate Dynamic Programming
– Professional Seminar Backend



Technologies Used

Developed in collaboration with working professionals

Johann Kerbrat

Vice President of Engineering at Iron Fish

Emmanuel Turlay

Staff Software Engineer at Cruise

Guillaume Plessis

Senior Software Engineer at WeWork